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Suzanne Davis
Event Coordinator
Phone: (765) 431-0665
Suzanne is married to Grant, and together they run the day to day operations of the company. Grant and Suzanne are high school sweethearts and have been married for 20 years. Suzanne is a Purdue University graduate in Food Science. She began her career as a food scientist in the food & beverage flavor industry until taking time off to raise their three children Grady, Gannon and Danica. Rather than enter back into her former career, Suzanne chose to work along side her husband to build and grow Walton Webcasting into the flourishing business it is today. Her duties include coordinating events, running the daily operations at the office and organizing the team that brings you live coverage at your fingertips!
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” — Walt Disney

Grant Davis
Event Coordinator
Phone: (765) 431-0588
Grant Davis operates Walton Webcasting alongside his wife, Suzanne. They have been married 20 years and have 3 children Grady, Gannon and Danica. Grant is a Purdue University graduate in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He was a radio play by play broadcaster for 19 years and decided he wanted a change. Grant wanted to do live video webcasts, thus Walton Webcasting was started with a focus on sports, until Kyle Pullen suggested livestock would like their services. The rest is history. Grant and Suzanne are proud of the friendly and knowledgeable crew that allows them to bring you “livestock like you’ve never seen before”.

Kyle Pullen
Sales Executive
Phone: (574) 727-1816
Kyle & Lynsee Pullen live in Walton, Indiana with their two sons Kashton and Kodee. Kyle is a Seed Advisor for Beck’s Hybrids and Lynsee works for her family’s boar stud, Shaffer’s Gold Rush. Together they run a Duroc sow herd called Pullen Show Pigs. Kyle has known Grant Davis and the sports side of Walton Webcasting for years and after inquiring if Grant could webcast hog shows after commentating for the Cass County Royal Showmanship contest and the rest is history. While Lynsee helps keep the books, Kyle can be contacted about potential shows to be webcasted or sponsorships. Both enjoy family time with their boys at livestock events and in their barn at home, as well judging hog shows and canoeing for fun!
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” — Colossians 3:23

Terry Shaffer
Business Director
Phone: (765) 730-1031
Terry and Shelley Shaffer are the owners of Shaffer’s Gold Rush boar stud in Albany, IN. He works alongside both of his daughters and son in law where they specialize in show pig sires, bred gilts, and show pigs. Terry joined forces with Walton Webcasting with the excitement of webcasting livestock shows and expanding video production in the livestock industry in 2012. Terry is available by phone or email for booking or sponsorship questions. Terry believes that Faith and Family are the foundation to a successful life and his motto is to “Out Work the Rest” but still “Treat them with Respect”.

Lynsee Pullen
Business Director
Kyle & Lynsee Pullen live in Walton, Indiana with their two sons Kashton and Kodee. Kyle is a Seed Advisor for Beck’s Hybrids and Lynsee works for her family’s boar stud, Shaffer’s Gold Rush. Together they run a Duroc sow herd called Pullen Show Pigs. Kyle has known Grant Davis and the sports side of Walton Webcasting for years and after inquiring if Grant could webcast hog shows after commentating for the Cass County Royal Showmanship contest and the rest is history. While Lynsee helps keep the books, Kyle can be contacted about potential shows to be webcasted or sponsorships. Both enjoy family time with their boys at livestock events and in their barn at home, as well judging hog shows and canoeing for fun!
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” — Colossians 3:23

Greg Allen
Video Production Manager
Phone: (574) 933-3391
Greg has been making video productions for over 25 years. He and his wife Amy have been married over 20 years and have 3 beautiful daughters. Not only is video production Greg’s passion, it’s also his hobby. When he’s not working on videos commercially, you can find Greg making them for fun. Catch Greg’s travel vlog, “On the Road with Greg” on the Walton Webcasting Facebook page.

Rhonda Flack
Sales Manager
Phone: (765)431-7367
Rhonda along with her family; husband John, daughter Madison and son Mason, own and operate a grain and livestock farming operation in West Central Illinois, right in the heart of the livestock and show world.
Rhonda has spent most of her life working in the agriculture industry, helping to develop organizations and build relationships with others who share her passion for people and livestock. She brings to Walton Webcasting over 30 years of sales and marketing experience and is excited to help you see livestock like you’ve never seen before.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him… 1 Corinthians 2:9
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Braxton Mucker
Team Lead and Video Production
Braxton aka “BMuck” has been involved in the video production field ever since freshman year of high-school. His teacher/mentor was non other than, our very own, Greg Allen! BMuck enjoys being out on the road and setting up for live events. When he’s not on the road, BMuck spends his time at home, editing Livestock recap videos, showpig shoots, boar previews, and much more for our clients.
BMuck states that he is
“Here to make it happen”

Allison Foerg
Team Leader
Allison Foerg was born and raised in Logansport, Indiana. She grew up on her family’s dairy farm for the first fifteen years of her life where she spent most of her time raising over 200 baby calves every spring. Little did she know, her first Walton Webcasting encounter would be at the age of 11. Her dairy farm hosted an open house for Cass County and Walton produced vidoes for the event. During that time she was actively involved in all her ten years at the Cass County 4-H fair. Walton Webcasting filmed the last seven years of 4-H career where she spent the majority of her time showing dairy steers. She graduated from Pioneer High School, GO PANTHERS, and then continued to Ivy Tech where she finished with a degree in AG. While in college during the pandemic, the suggestion was made that she should send in her resume to Walton Webcasting and the rest is History…
Currently, she lives on her family farm where she helps on their hay & beef cow/calf operation. She owns some Brown Swiss and Holstein Cows, as well as, her flock of happy laying hens. The love of her life, for now, is her rescued dog, Duke. She is a member of Burnettsville Church of the Brethern and loves making noodles with her church family when she is not on the road.
If you ask her what her favorite part about her job – it would be all the people she has met so far!